FAQ: Frequently asked questions about Venso products

Allgemeine Fragen zu unseren Produkten

How much electricity does your plant lamp use and how much does it cost me?

Our state-of-the-art LED technology is extremely efficient and economical. You don't have to worry about the power consumption of our products. The average electricity price in Germany is around 30 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). If you leave a plant lamp with 6 watts of power switched on for 12 hours a day, this results in consumption of 2.2 kWh per month, which costs you 65 cents per month. That's €7.89 per year.

à https://rechneronline.de/steckdose/stromkosten.php

6 watts for 12 hours per day: 65 cents per month ( E27 plant lamps small ) 7 watts for 12 hours per day: 76 cents per month ( Sunlite and small E27 winter ) 18 watts for 12 hours per day: €1.95 per month ( E27 plant lamps large ) 25 watts for 12 hours per day: €2.74 per month ( Sunlite XL ) 50 watts for 12 hours per day: €5.48 per month ( Wall Spot 150cm )

Can you please say something about the light spectrum (=emission spectrum)?

The Indoor Plants light spectrum was specially developed and optimized for the needs of indoor plants. It is a full spectrum (white light) with a high proportion of red and blue. We know from biology that plants particularly benefit from red light (640 nm to 780 nm wavelength) and blue light (430 nm to 490 nm wavelength) because light with these wavelengths drives photosynthesis most effectively. Photosynthesis is a biological process by which plants obtain energy from light. In theory, plants can only survive with red or blue light. However, all plants have numerous other photoreceptor proteins that respond to other colors of light and control the growth and development of the plant. Because of this, plants should be supplied with a full spectrum (white light) so that they can grow healthily. Our "Indoor Plants" light spectrum not only keeps your plants healthy, but is also pleasant in the living room. It is a neutral white light that is pleasant to the human eye.

The " Cultura " light spectrum was also specially developed and optimized for the needs of plants. It is a full spectrum (white light) with an extra high proportion of red. The very high proportion of red guarantees rapid growth, as red light drives photosynthesis particularly effectively. We particularly recommend this spectrum for the cultivation of young plants, herbs and vegetable plants. However, it should be said that the light appears clearly visibly reddish. This means that this light is not necessarily suitable for the living room, but rather for greenhouses, basements and similar rooms that are used specifically for plant cultivation. Colored light is not perceived as pleasant by many people in the living room. Here you have to make your own decision about what you feel comfortable with.

The Winter light spectrum was also specially developed and optimized for the needs of plants. It is a full spectrum (white light) with an extra high proportion of blue. The high proportion of blue supports the plants' dormant phase during the winter. We particularly recommend this spectrum for overwintering Mediterranean and tropical plants. It should be said, however, that the light appears clearly visibly bluish. This means that this light is not necessarily suitable for the living room, but rather for greenhouses, basements and similar rooms that are used specifically for plant cultivation. Colored light is not perceived as pleasant by many people in the living room. Here you have to make your own decision about what you feel comfortable with. In addition to the right light, many other factors must be taken into account when hibernating, such as temperature and humidity.

Is the light from your grow lights harmful to my pets or to me?

No, the light from our LED grow lights is absolutely harmless. You can expose yourself to the plant light all day, just like a normal light bulb in the living room. Our products only emit light in the visible range (380 nm to 780 nm wavelength), but no UV radiation and very little infrared radiation (heat radiation). Visible light and infrared radiation are completely harmless to humans. UV radiation, on the other hand, is very high-energy and dangerous. When people, animals or plants are exposed to intense UV radiation for a longer period of time, the cells are damaged. In humans, this manifests itself in sunburn, for example.

Do your products emit UV light? I am looking for a product with UV radiation!

Plant light, i.e. light specially developed for the needs of plants, is often referred to as "UV light". But this is misleading and wrong. Plants do not need UV radiation, but visible light. With our products you are exactly right. Our light spectra have been optimized for the needs of plants.

Are your products getting hot? Do I have to pay attention to ventilation?

Our state-of-the-art LED grow lights are extremely efficient. A large part of the input electrical energy is converted into light for plant growth, only a small part of the energy is converted into heat. Nevertheless, our LEDs can get warm during operation and must be sufficiently cooled for a long service life. This has already been taken into account in the design of the products. The housing of our plant lamps is made of aluminium, which effectively dissipates the heat to the outside. With sufficient ventilation of the plant lamps, the excess heat is then transported away by the ambient air. With our E27 plant lamps, you should be careful not to install them too tightly and only use lampshades that have ventilation openings. With our LED strips (Wall Spot, GrowLight Duo, GrowLight Quattro), successful cooling should not be a problem as these lights are freely installed. Cooling is not an issue with our Sunlite either. The colored aluminum screen above the LED lamps is used for cooling.

At what distance should I install the plant lamp?

As close as possible to the canopy, so that the light intensity that reaches the leaves is as high as possible. At a greater distance, the light cone and thus the area over which the light is distributed increases. At the same time, the distance should be chosen so that all the leaves of the plant are illuminated and are in the cone of light. The light intensity is of course greatest at the top of the plant. But that's not a problem. Basically, plants are not harmed by a higher light intensity, unless it is UV radiation. The light is also distributed diffusely in the canopy, as the light is reflected and distributed between the leaves. Thus, a high light intensity at the upper end of the plant makes sense, so that the lower leaves still get enough light.

Are your products dimmable?

E27 plant lights → No, not dimmable.

Sunlite → Yes, when using the Sunlite Controller (One Plug or Five Plug)

Wall Spot → Yes, when using the Sunlite Controller One Plug (But not Five Plug!!!)

GrowLight Duo → Yes, the dimmer is permanently installed.

GrowLight Quattro 35 watts → Yes, the dimmer is permanently installed.

GrowLight Quattro 60 Watt → No, not dimmable.

Do your products have a timer?

E27 plant lights → No. But you can use a standard socket timer in combination with our SAGA lampshades.

Sunlite → Yes, when using the Sunlite Controller (One Plug or Five Plug). Alternatively, it is also possible to use a commercially available time switch for the socket.

Wall spot → Yes, when using the Sunlite Controller One Plug (but not Five Plug!!!) Alternatively, the use of a commercially available timer for the socket is also possible here.

GrowLight Duo → No. But you can use a commercial outlet timer.

GrowLight Quattro 35 watts → Yes, the timer is permanently installed.

GrowLight Quattro 60 Watt → No. But you can use a commercial outlet timer.

May your products get a splash of water when watering?

Both a splash of water when watering and high humidity in the greenhouse are generally not a problem. However, you should avoid deliberately wetting the products with spray water or even submerging them. More detailed information is provided by the IP protection class, which is shown on the website for all our products. For example, the 6-watt E27 plant lamp has protection class IP 55, which means it is protected against dust and splash water.

How long should I light my plants? How long is the daily lighting duration?

- Basically, we recommend a daily lighting time of 12 hours for all green and indoor plants.
- During the winter, we generally recommend a daily lighting period of 10 to 12 hours.
- When growing young plants, herbs and vegetable plants, we recommend a daily lighting time of up to 16 hours.

However, this information can only represent basic recommendations, which can be deviated from in specific cases. With any plant species, it is helpful to find out where the plant species originally came from. You can then use the light conditions in the areas of origin as a guide. Example: A plant native to subtropical areas requires between 12 and 14 hours of light per day.

Should the plant lamp run longer in winter than in summer? Or the other way around?

If you wish, you can vary the lighting duration over the course of the year, based on the lighting conditions in the home of the plant species. But this is not absolutely necessary. It is perfectly fine to consistently set the same lighting time for green and house plants. Only if you are pursuing a specific goal when cultivating your plants, such as the formation of flowers, should you find out more about "Critical day length, short and long day plants" for your plant species. In many plant species, the formation of flowers depends on the length of the day.

Questions about E27 plant lights with 3 light spectrums and 6 watts or 18 watts of power

Is this product dimmable?

No, this product is not dimmable. This product can be operated with 90 - 245 volts AC, the light intensity remains unchanged. The mains voltage in Germany is 230 volts.

Can I use this product with any lampshade?

Yes, you can use this product with any lampshade that has an E27 lamp socket. The E27 socket is a standardized socket that is very widespread. Please also make sure that the lampshade has ventilation openings so that sufficient cooling (ventilation) of the E27 plant lamp is guaranteed. If you are not sure, we recommend our SAGA lampshades or our E27 fitting with 4m cable.

Can I plug this product into the socket?

Not directly. This product has the standardized E27 lamp base and is screwed into an E27 socket. However, there are also E27 sockets that you can plug into the socket. Our SAGA lampshades or our E27 fitting with 4m cable both have a plug that can be plugged into any socket and also a switch to turn the light on and off.

Questions about SAGA lampshades

Can a lamp with a higher power be screwed into this lampshade?

Our SAGA lampshades are suitable for all bulbs with an E27 socket whose electrical output does not exceed 60 watts.

The cooling slots at the upper end of the SAGA lampshade guarantee good ventilation and thus cooling of your lamp.

So you can easily use a 60 watt LED grow light from another manufacturer as long as that light also has the standard E27 fitting.

Wall Spot questions

What is the color temperature of the light spectrum of the Wall Spot LED strips?

The color temperature is around 7000 Kelvin, so it is a natural neutral white.

What color rendering index (CRI - Color rendering index) does the light spectrum of the Wall Spot LED strips have?

The color rendering index is 90. This means that the colors of the illuminated objects are reproduced very naturally.

Gärtnerische Fragen zur Kulturführung

Kann ich auch das „Indoor Plants“-Spektrum für die Anzucht von Kräutern nutzen?

Sie können auch das Indoor Plants-Lichtspektrum und somit die Sunlite für Ihre Kräuteranzucht verwenden. Alle unsere Lichtspektren wurden für die Pflanzenanzucht optimiert und erzeugen die richtigen Wellenlängen, um die Photosyntheserate zu erhöhen und eine gesunde Entwicklung zu ermöglichen. Beim Cultura-Spektrum ist der Anteil roten Lichts höher, was für Jungpflanzen und die Kräuteranzucht besonders gut ist. 

Die beiden Lichtspektren decken das gesamte sichtbare Spektrum von 380nm bis 780nm ab. Für die Photosynthese ist vor allem blaues und rotes Licht von hoher Bedeutung. Für eine gesunde Entwicklung der Pflanze müssen die verschiedenen Rezeptorpigmente der Pflanze angesprochen werden, dafür sind diverse Lichtfarben wichtig. Ihre Kräuter werden also auch mit der Sunlite gut wachsen, wenn auch nicht ganz so schnell wie mit dem „Cultura“-Spektrum. 

Zu guter Letzt ist noch zu sagen, dass das Licht der Sunlite dem Auge neutral-weiß erscheint, ähnlich dem natürlichen Sonnenlicht. Das "Cultura"-Spektrum erscheint dem Auge hingegen rötlich. Dabei kommt es auf die persönliche Präferenz an, welches Licht im Wohnraum als angenehmer empfunden wird.

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Unter die Garantie fallen Materialfehler, Herstellungsfehler und Ausfälle von elektronischen Bauteilen. Darunter zählen auch fest verbaute LED-Platinen.